InfoPath 2013

  1. This operation is not available in SharePoint Server Standard. To upgrade to SharePoint Server Enterprise, consult your documentation. ...
  2. This operation uses the SharePoint Administration (SPAdmin) service. If the service is stopped or disabled, start it and ...
  3. This page cannot render outside of a tenant administration site. If this site is a tenant administration site, please contact ...
  4. This rule action is only enabled in SharePoint when a connection has been configured between the InfoPath Form Web Part and ...
  5. This section contains a control bound to field or group ({0}) to which other controls are also bound. This can lead to effects ...
  6. This site content type's name has already been used. Click Back until you can enter another name or choose to update the ...
  7. This table cannot be converted to a repeating table. To fix this problem, add one or more controls to the repeating row and ...
  8. This timer job is used by InfoPath Forms Services to improve performance by caching form template data on each front-end ...
  9. This updates all content types that inherit from it and all libraries that use it unless they are read only. This operation ...
  10. This value cannot be modified because it has been submitted through a data connection, and may have been updated.To modify ...
  11. This value cannot be modified or deleted because it is a key used by other parts of the form. To modify or delete this value ...
  12. This version of the Person/Group Picker control is not supported in %1. To use the Person/Group Picker control, delete the ...
  13. This Web Part does not point to a list or library. It may have been customized in SharePoint Designer. Any changes that are ...
  14. This Web service contains operations that use RPC encoding, which (!idspnInfoPath) does not support. Only the operations ...
  15. This Web service may return multiple DataSets. If more than one DataSet is returned when the form is used, (!XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) ...
  16. This will add Service Pack features to this form. Users of the form will need to have Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack ...
  17. This will add Service Pack features to this form. Users of the form will need to have Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack ...
  18. This will create a self-signed certificate for you with the following information:Name: %1Issued By: %2Expiration date: %3A ...
  19. This will create repeating fields and add a repeating section to enable users to edit multiple list items in a single form. ...
  20. This wizard helps you associate a print view that you created in Word with your form template. For more information about ...
  21. This wizard helps you specify a data connection for submitting the form to a document library on a SharePoint site. The form ...
  22. This wizard helps you specify an XML Schema, XML data file, database, or Web service as the data source for the form template. ...
  23. Tip: For properties such as EnableControl, set the value to true. For properties such as DisableControl, set the value to ...
  24. To add or update this form in (!idspnSharePointWorkspace): select "Import Form" if this is a new form; or select "Re-import ...
  25. To allow users to render browser-enabled form library forms in a Web browser, go to {0}_admin/ipfsConfig.aspx and select ...
  26. To be able to sign this form, you need to activate two Windows Internet Explorer add-ons. Click the Information Bar above, ...
  27. To browse for a new converter (!idspnInfoPath) must close the wizard and open a new Web browser window.Do you want to proceed? ...
  28. To change the name of the template part, open the template part in design mode and change the name in the File Properties ...
  29. To create a form based on the selected XML data file, you must specify some default settings for the data source.You can ...
  30. To create a form based on the selected XML schema, you must specify some default settings for the data source.You can accept ...
  31. To design a form based on this Web service, InfoPath needs to collect more information about the service by querying it with ...
  32. To enable or disable the ActiveX control in response to rules or digital signatures, specify a property for the enabled state. ...
  33. To enable property promotion, open the folder properties dialog and select the InfoPath Forms tab. Choose a form to associate ...
  34. To enable this feature, ensure that you have the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 installed and change your (!idspnInfoPath) install ...
  35. To enable this timer job, browse to http:{0}/_admin/ServiceJobDefinitions.aspx. Select the InfoPath Forms Services Maintenance ...
  36. To import a form, (!idspnWord_Long) must be installed on your computer. If multiple versions of Word are installed, you may ...
  37. To make this form template available for use in browsers, provide the SharePoint server administrator with the information ...
  38. To make this view the default print view, on the Page Design tab, in the Views group, click Properties, and select the view ...
  39. To open this file, a form that is already on your computer must be updated. If you trust this file, click the File tab, open ...
  40. To represent the SQL statement in a tree view, all the column names in a table must be unique.Do you want (!idspnInfoPath) ...
  41. To represent the SQL statement in a tree view, all the table and column names must follow XML naming conventions.Do you want ...
  42. To represent the SQL statement in a tree view, all the table names must be unique.Do you want (!idspnInfoPath) to create ...
  43. To represent the SQL statement in a tree view, column names may not be qualified. The qualifications in your query are not ...
  44. To represent the SQL statement in a tree view, the column selector must be expanded to an enumerated column list.Do you want ...
  45. To represent the SQL statement in a tree view, the statement must include all the required primary keys, unique constraints, ...
  46. To represent the SQL statement in a tree view, the statement must include all the row version columns from the tables.Do ...
  47. To retrieve information about this query, (!idspnInfoPath) must execute it against the database. However, (!idspnInfoPath) ...
  48. To send this form in email, first save a copy to your computer. Then create a new mail message by using your preferred email ...
  49. To set rules for submitting the form, open the Submit Options dialog box, select the option for performing custom actions ...
  50. To submit your form to the following recipients from your default Microsoft Outlook email account, click Send. To go back ...
  51. To work with VBScript or JScript, the Microsoft Script Editor feature is required. To install the Microsoft Script Editor ...
  52. Tracking changes to the DataSet is not supported in %1.To fix this problem, modify the data connection to exclude change ...
  53. Type: Retrieve and submit data(!idspnSharePoint) site: %1List: %2An (!idspnInfoPath) form template exists for this list and ...
  54. Type: Retrieve data from an external list.External System Instance: %1Read item method: %2External Content Type namespace: ...
  55. Type: Submit data to an external list.External System Instance: %1Read item method: %2External Content Type namespace: %3External ...
  56. Unsupported border styles were found associated with this Repeating Table. They have been converted to solid border. The ...
  57. Unsupported text indentation formatting (first line or hanging) was found in view '{0}'. Use clear formatting to remove first ...
  58. Upgrade failed because the form template is incompatible with the server. Use the verifyformtemplate operation before upgrade ...
  59. Upload failed because the form template is incompatible with the server. Use the verifyformtemplate operation before upload ...
  60. Use Microsoft InfoPath to create custom forms for adding or editing items in this list. For more advanced options, go to ...
  61. Use Microsoft InfoPath to customize the form for this list. You can modify the form layout, add pictures and formatted text, ...
  62. Use rules to apply actions when users select an option or add a new value. Rules will not apply when an option is unchecked. ...
  63. Use the proxy for data connections between InfoPath forms and Web services. The data connections must be defined in universal ...
  64. Use the proxy for data connections between InfoPath Forms Services forms and Web services. The data connections must be defined ...
  65. Use the Submit action to submit data to only one data source. To submit data to multiple data sources by using multiple buttons, ...
  66. User roles allow you to customize the form template for specific users or sets of users. Roles should not be used to control ...
  67. User roles are not supported in %1.To fix this problem, remove all user roles and any conditions that reference user roles. ...
  68. User roles are not supported in InfoPath Forms Services.To fix this problem, remove all user roles and any conditions that ...
  69. Users can publish browser-enabled InfoPath form templates to SharePoint form libraries but they cannot open the forms in ...
  70. Users will not be able to open this form because of the security level it requires and because no alternate access path has ...
  71. Users will not be able to open this form because of the security level it requires and because no alternate access path has ...
  72. Users will not be prompted for missing digital signatures because this form template does not have Submit enabled.To fix ...
  73. Using a rule to automatically display a dialog box is not supported in %1. The dialog box message will not show when the ...
  74. Verify that the form or section you are signing is correct, as well as the additional information that will be stored with ...
  75. Vertical text is not supported in %1.To fix this problem, clear the "Display text vertically" check box in the control properties ...