BizTalk Server 2006 R2

  1. Failed to create SQL login and grant SQL privilege configurations on Rule Engine database server "%1" / database name "%2" ...
  2. Failed to create SQL login and grant SQL privilege configurations on the Management database server "%1" / database name ...
  3. Failed to create SQL login and grant SQL privilege configurations on Tracking database server "%1" / database name "%2" while ...
  4. Failed to create the deployment unit object for application '{0}', with management database server being '{1}' and management ...
  5. Failed to create the group based on the specified group name '{0}'. A partner or partner group with same name already exists. ...
  6. Failed to create the item based on the specified item name '{0}'. A list or document library with same name already exists. ...
  7. Failed to create the partner based on the specified partner name '{0}'. A partner or partner group with same name already ...
  8. Failed to create the virtual directory for receiving HWS messages. The "%1" virtual directory can be created manually using ...
  9. Failed to create X509CertificateIdentity from certificate reference. (StoreName={0}, StoreLocation={1}, X509FindType={2}, ...
  10. Failed to delete database objects associated with BizTalk Host "%1" from MessageBox database server "%2" / database name ...
  11. Failed to deploy BAM activity definitions. Please make sure that all BAM related Data Transformation Services (DTS) packages ...
  12. Failed to deploy BizTalk Assembly "%1". Please configure the feature "BizTalk Runtime" before configuring the feature "%2". ...
  13. Failed to detect Enterprise Single Sign-On service on this machine. Please make sure Enterprise Single Sign-On service is ...
  14. Failed to disambiguate the grammar with a lookahead depth of {0}. The following is a list of ambiguous rules and their definitions: ...
  15. Failed to drop role membership with Windows group "%1" from SQL role BTS_HOST_USERS on database server "%2" / database name ...
  16. Failed to execute commands on device {0} because the supplied connection GUID does not match an existing connection. Verify ...
  17. Failed to execute the specified command because another command with the same command identifier {0} is currently in progress. ...
  18. Failed to get action state for action {0}({1}); incorrect number of rows retrieved. Expected {2} rows; retrieved {3} rows. ...
  19. Failed to get network resource information. Error 2], network path 3]. Extended error: network provider 5], error code 4], ...
  20. Failed to get pipeline: {0}. Please verify that the pipeline strong name is correct and that the pipeline assembly is in ...
  21. Failed to give privilege 2 to user 3 (error = 4]). Setup will ignore this error and continue. You might need to give the ...
  22. Failed to grant account "%1" read access to the registry key "%2". Please grant read access mannually using registry access ...
  23. Failed to identify BizTalk Database locations. Upgrade cannot continue. Check whether Sql Server is running and the logged ...
  24. Failed to initialize the profile context object. Business Activity Services is not operational at this time. Contact your ...
  25. Failed to initialize the SOAP header field or property "%1". Details: "%2". Possible reasons are: 1) MemberName property ...
  26. Failed to load "%1" type. Please verify the fully-qualified type name is valid. Details: "%2". The type must derive from ...
  27. Failed to load configuration data. Cannot read the Hws database name from the 'adm_OtherBackupDatabases' table in the database ...
  28. Failed to load configuration data. Cannot read the Hws server name from the 'adm_OtherBackupDatabases' table in the database ...
  29. Failed to load context help XML file. Configuration Framework's context help will not be available for this session. Dialog ...
  30. Failed to load list of saved queries because of the following error: "{0}". Verify that query path specified in the preferences ...
  31. Failed to load the contents of the specified tracked message instance. Either the SQL Agent job that moves messages has not ...
  32. Failed to load the contents of the specified tracked message. The record(s) were likely purged from the database by the cleanup ...
  33. Failed to load the web service proxy assembly "%1". Details: "%2" Please verify the specified assembly is in .NET global ...
  34. Failed to lookup method "%1" in the type "%2". Possible reasons: 1) The method does not exist or it is not public. 2) The ...
  35. Failed to move device %1 to the device group %2. The error was: %3. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and ...
  36. Failed to obtain the client certificate required for the SSL handshake. The certificate lookup was performed in the system ...
  37. Failed to persist custom transport configuration into SSO store. Make sure the Enterprise Single Sign-On Windows service ...
  38. Failed to post the SOAP request to the Web Service. The exception code is "{0}" and the exception message is "{1}". Please ...
  39. Failed to post the SOAP request to the Web Service. The server has returned the following error description: "{0}". Please ...
  40. Failed to print this label. The device provider did not provide the reason for the failure. For more information, see the ...
  41. Failed to publish (send) a message in the batch. This is usually because there is no one expecting to receive this message. ...
  42. Failed to publish (send) a message in the batch. This is usually because there is no one expecting to receive this message. ...
  43. Failed to remove {0}: cannot remove Web Directories and Certificates mined from application bindings. They will be automatically ...
  44. Failed to retrieve availability status for URL '%1'. Verify that the URL is valid and Windows SharePoint Services is available ...
  45. Failed to retrieve next activation blocks for activity model with ID {0}. The parent step ID is {1}, target XPath from parent ...
  46. Failed to retrieve SharePoint virtual server information. Check that Internet Information Server is running on the machine ...
  47. Failed to retrieve structured parameter value for parameter schema '{0}' for orchestration '{1}' in assembly '{2}' for partner ...
  48. Failed to retrieve the action instance ID {0} from tracking. Make sure that the HWS interceptor is associated with the action. ...
  49. Failed to retrieve the activity flow instance ID {0} from tracking. Make sure that the HWS interceptor is associated with ...
  50. Failed to retrieve the Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) URL from the deployment engine transaction context. Please make ...
  51. Failed to retrieve the Windows SharePoint Services information regarding the outbox document library, please retry later. ...
  52. Failed to retrieve value of parameter '{0}' of service '{1}' for partner '{2}'. If you are expecting a value to be returned, ...
  53. Failed to retrive configuration information for HWS Administration Database. Please configure the feature "HWS Runtime" and ...
  54. Failed to retrive configuration information for HWS Administration Database. Please configure the feature "HWS Runtime" before ...
  55. Failed to retrive configuration information for HWS Administration Database. Please configure the feature "HWS Runtime" before ...
  56. Failed to retrive information about the web site under which the "%1" virtual directory is installed. Please start the web ...
  57. Failed to retrive information about the web site under which the "%1" virtual directory is installed. Please start the web ...
  58. Failed to revoke host tracking related SQL privilege configurations on database server "%1" / database name "%2" when attempting ...
  59. Failed to save the state of device {0} to the RFID store because of a database exception. The service will retry saving the ...
  60. Failed to serialize the message part "%1" into the type "%2" using namespace "%3". Please ensure that the message part stream ...
  61. Failed to set permissions for user 2 on the STOREDBNAME database on SQL Server 3]. One reason for this could be that we couldn't ...
  62. Failed to set the identity for web service application "%1". The application identity can be set manually using IIS administration ...
  63. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the property is settable only during initialization. Stop the provider, ...
  64. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property target {3} did not match the expected target ...
  65. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property type {3} did not match the expected type {4}. ...
  66. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property value was not found in the ValueSet ({3}) defined ...
  67. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property value {3} does not conform to the ValueExpression ...
  68. Failed to set value for property {0} on {1} {2} because the supplied property value {3} is not in the expected range {4} ...
  69. Failed to setup database objects associated with BizTalk Host "%1" on MessageBox database server "%2" / database name "%3". ...
  70. Failed to start the BizTalk Host instance. Check the event log on the server "%1" for more details. Internal error: "%2" ...
  71. Failed to store the list of databases upgraded in the registry. DB versions will not be stamped at the completion of upgrade. ...
  72. Failed to update MessageBox server while creating BizTalk Host. Couldn't create SQL login or update SQL roles for BizTalk ...
  73. Failed to update MessageBox server while installing BizTalk Host instance. Couldn't update BizTalk Host Windows group "%1" ...
  74. Failed to update SQL privilege configurations on database server "%1" / database name "%2" when attempting to disable host ...
  75. Failed to update SQL privilege configurations on database server "%1" / database name "%2" when attempting to enable host ...