BizTalk Server 2006 R2

  1. Error encountered during parsing. The X12 interchange with id '{0}', with sender id '{1}', receiver id '{2}' had the following ...
  2. Error encountered during parsing. The X12 transaction set with id '{0}' contained in functional group with id '{1}', in interchange ...
  3. Error encountered during serialization. The Edifact functional group with id '{0}', in interchange with id '{1}', with sender ...
  4. Error encountered during serialization. The Edifact interchange which did not contain a group, with interchange id '{0}', ...
  5. Error encountered during serialization. The Edifact interchange with id '{0}', with sender id '{1}', receiver id '{2}' had ...
  6. Error encountered during serialization. The Edifact transaction set with id '{0}' contained in functional group with id '{1}', ...
  7. Error encountered during serialization. The Edifact transaction set with id '{0}' contained in interchange (without group) ...
  8. Error encountered during serialization. The X12 functional group with id '{0}', in interchange with id '{1}', with sender ...
  9. Error encountered during serialization. The X12 interchange with id '{0}', with sender id '{1}', receiver id '{2}' had the ...
  10. Error encountered during serialization. The X12 transaction set with id '{0}' contained in functional group with id '{1}', ...
  11. Error encountered during Upgrade: Failed to stamp updated version number on BizTalk Server Databases. Please see the log ...
  12. Error encountered during Upgrade: Failed to uninstall %1. HRESULT: %2!x!. %1 Databases have been upgraded. %1 Uninstall has ...
  13. Error encountered while querying virtual server state for URL: %1. Make sure the site is extended by Windows SharePoint Services. ...
  14. Error encountered while uninstalling %1 as part of Upgrade. Following upgrade tasks have been completed %2. %3 uninstallation ...
  15. Error encountered while upgrading Database: %1 on SQL Server: %2. Following databases have been modified: %3 You must manually ...
  16. Error encountered with setting Accounting Token. The Acounting Token must be a hexadecimal representation of binary data ...
  17. Error encountered with setting Correlation ID. The Correlation ID must be a hexadecimal representation of binary data of ...
  18. Error encountered with setting Facility Token in CICS Bridge header. The Facility Token must be a hexadecimal representation ...
  19. Error encountered with setting Group ID. The Group ID must be a hexadecimal representation of binary data of length MQ_GROUP_ID_LENGTH. ...
  20. Error encountered with setting Message ID. The Message ID must be a hexadecimal representation of binary data of length MQ_MSG_ID_LENGTH. ...
  21. Error encountered with setting Transaction Id in IMS Bridge header. The Transaction Id must be a hexadecimal representation ...
  22. Error encrypting web service or application pool identity '%1' into registry key 'HKLM\%2'. Verify that this identity is ...
  23. Error generating BAM configuration xml with the BAM Primary Import Table Database {1} on server {0}, address {2}, and account ...
  24. Error in creating cube file because the workbook is read-only. Please use Save-As to save a writable copy of the workbook. ...
  25. Error loading assembly from "{0}". Possible causes: 1. The location may not be fully trusted if it is on a network share. ...
  26. Error loading assembly from "{0}". The file may not be a .NET assembly. If the file is a .dll or .exe, it may be unmanaged ...
  27. Error occurred in retrieving information about partner '{0}'. Please run 'Resync' from the 'TPM Admin' menu to fix this issue. ...
  28. Error occurred in retrieving Windows SharePoint Services information regarding partner '{0}'. Please run 'Resync' from the ...
  29. Error occurred while attempting to track the message. It is possible that service instances referencing the message has already ...
  30. Error occurred while enumerating inbound adapters required for configuring receive locations used by the orchestration. %1 ...
  31. Error registering COM+ application. Please ensure that DTC is enabled. Contact your support personnel for more information. ...
  32. Error trying to open log file. The file may be write-protected, blocked by another application or there is no enough space ...
  33. Error validating whether Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools with Data Transformation Services (DTS) for Archive is installed ...
  34. Error verifying signature of the redistributable component CAB file. Re-run Setup and download the CAB file from the correct ...
  35. Error while retrieving exported event types in assembly. Details: {0}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and ...
  36. ERROR: Found {1} arguments for the command, whereas the expected number of arguments is {0}. Specify the correct number of ...
  37. ERROR: Found {2} arguments for the command, whereas the expected number of arguments is {0}-{1}. Specify the correct number ...
  38. Error: The dependency '%1' in project '%2' cannot be copied to the run directory because it would conflict with dependency ...
  39. Errors were encountered while undeploying the process. For information about the event handlers with exceptions, look at ...
  40. Event handler method {1} in event handler {0} has an input parameter of type {2} which is not supported. Specify a parameter ...
  41. Event handler method {1} in event handler {0} has return type {2}, which is not supported. Specify a return type that is ...
  42. Event handler methods have overlapping input parameters. In event handler {0}, the type of input parameter {2} for method ...
  43. Event handler {0} has no methods that have the custom attribute RfidEventHandlerMethodAttribute. Specify at least one method ...
  44. Event handler {0} took too long to initialize. Consider increasing the Maximum Component Initialization Time parameter in ...
  45. Event source '{0}' with different definition already deployed in Primary Import Database. Please backup interceptor configurations ...
  46. Excel cannot find OLAP cube. The cube may not have been processed, you may not have permissions to connect to the cube or ...
  47. Exception occurred in applying per instance configuration on component "{0}" . The exception message is: {1} The possible ...
  48. Exception while returning metadata for provider {0}. Details: {1}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and then ...
  49. Executes the command specified in the XML file and prints the results to the console. For details of commands, refer to the ...
  50. Exporting application "{0}" bindings from BizTalk configuration database (server="{1}", database="{2}") into binding file ...
  51. Exporting assembly bindings from BizTalk configuration database (assembly="{0}", server="{1}", database="{2}") into binding ...
  52. Exports bindings for the specified process to the XML file. This method exports both the device bindings and the component ...
  53. Exports BizTalk assembly binding information from BizTalk Configuration database. EXPORT SERVER=server DATABASE=database ...
  54. Express This is the fastest mode where the messages are stored in memory of the MSMQ process. Reliable (recovery) In this ...
  55. Extra data in the document instance was not parsed. Verify the document instance you want to validate contains only one document. ...
  56. Failed constraint. Previous Action: {0} Action: {1} ActivityModelID: {2} StepID:{3} Source User: {4} Enacted User: {5} Failed ...
  57. Failed constraint. Previous Action: {0} Action: {1} Source User: {2} Enacted User: {3} Failed Target: {4} IsIndependent: ...
  58. Failed in IPropertyPage::GetPageInfo() while creating adapter property pages. Contact owner of the adapter impelementation ...
  59. Failed to add %1 as a member of the SQL role %2 in the Rules Engine database. You probably do not have sufficient privileges ...
  60. Failed to add a discovered device with name {0} and device information {1}. For detailed information, look at the RFID service ...
  61. Failed to add device {0} because the supplied transport type {1} is not supported by provider {2}. Specify a different transport ...
  62. Failed to add device {0} because the transport {1} with name {2} is not supported by provider {3}. Specify a valid transport ...
  63. Failed to bring the cluster resource online. This can be due to the following: 1) The Host Instance is not properly configured ...
  64. Failed to change the identity information for application pool "%1". Use IIS Administration Console to change the identity ...
  65. Failed to cleanup SQL role associating with BizTalk Host "%1" from MessageBox database server "%2" / database name "%3". ...
  66. Failed to configure HWS administration database "%1" on SQL server "%2". Make sure the server is running and you have sufficent ...
  67. Failed to connect to BAM primary import database. The database may not have been started, has been changed or you do not ...
  68. Failed to connect to the selected database. Please check that the server and database names are correct and that the selected ...
  69. Failed to construct the internal parse tables from the BizTalk assembly. Re-compile and deploy your project. Error Message: ...
  70. Failed to create a cluster resource. This can be due to the following: 1) You do not have the required privileges on the ...
  71. Failed to create an MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0 object. The exception code is "{0}" and the exception message is "{1}". Please contact ...
  72. Failed to create an XPath for the XLANG/s distinguished field '{0}'. This could happen if the distinguished field is marked ...
  73. Failed to create COM object implementing adapter property page. Contact owner of the adapter impelementation for more details. ...
  74. Failed to create instance of COM component managing the property pages for the adapter. Verify that component is registered. ...
  75. Failed to create SQL login and grant SQL privilege configurations on BAM database server "%1" / database name "%2" while ...