WCNCSVC hosts the Windows Connect Now Configuration which is Microsoft's Implementation of Wireless Protected Setup (WPS) protocol. This is used to configure Wireless LAN settings for an Access Point (AP) or a Wireless Device. The service is started programmatically as needed.
was stopped because an intercept occurred while serving an interrupt request. If the problem persists, contact Product Support. ...
WaveOutOpen provides a callback mechanism, where very few APIs may be called. While inside this callback the entire Wave ...
WcmSetParameter Called Interface: %1 Profile Name: %2 Wcm Opcode: %3 Data Length: %4 Caller Process ID: %5 Return Value: ...
WcmSvc SetNetworkReference - Activate %1], Result %2], TotalNetworkRefCount %3], ProcessId %4], PerProcessNetworkRefCount ...
WCNCSVC hosts the Windows Connect Now Configuration which is Microsoft's Implementation of Wireless Protected Setup (WPS) ...
WCS translating colors(hxform = %1, %2 input colors, %3 input channels, input data type = %4, %5 input bytes, %6 output channels, ...
WdsClient: A matching image was not found. Check your client unattended installation file. Image name %1!s!], Image group ...
WdsClient: A matching language pack was not found. Please check your client unattended installation file. Language pack %1!s!].%0 ...
WdsClient: A network card driver for this computer was not found in this image. Your administrator can add the network card ...