PowerPoint can recognize certain types of data in your presentations. For each recognized type, there are actions you can perform with that data.
Possible infinite loop: use of the constant EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION in the exception-filter expression of a try-except. ...
Possibly incorrect assignment to local '%1!ls!' which is the argument to a using or lock statement. The Dispose call or unlocking ...
Potential buffer-overrun: SysAllocStringLen copies '%d' characters from the string '%ls' without validating the number of ...
PowerPoint : Demonstrates how to start PowerPoint, create a blank presentation, add a slide and content, print slides, save ...
PowerPoint can recognize certain types of data in your presentations. For each recognized type, there are actions you can ...
preceding-sibling::*" selects all element siblings before the context node. "preceding-sibling::author" selects all "author" ...
preceding::*" selects all element nodes before the context node. "preceding::author" selects all "author" element nodes before ...
Predictor : Demonstrates the difference between Active Server Methods (ASMX) and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) technologies ...
Prefix interface names with the letter 'I' to indicate that the type is an interface, as in IFormattable. Prefix generic ...