{The currency code was not recognized or the administrator has chosen to enforce a single server currency. The project currency settings will not be changed.}
The credentials used for the account %1 will change on %2. It is used by the following: %3 No action is necessary as the ...
The credentials used for the account %1 will expire on %2, and need to be updated. If they are not updated, the system may ...
The Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) Signature does not match the CSP installed on your computer. You need to update ...
The curent farm does not have resources for language |1 (id = |0) installed. Any missing site template error with lcid = ...
The currency code was not recognized or the administrator has chosen to enforce a single server currency. The project currency ...
The currency entered is not recognized.}Enter a valid currency or have your administrator specify that currency in Project ...
The currency for this project is different from the currency setting specified by the server.}When the resources from this ...
The currency for this project is different from the currency specified by the server.} Do you want to overwrite this project's ...
The currency for this project is different from the currency specified by the server.}If you save this file, the currency ...