Invalid value of reverse lookup primary server specified. The specified server is not a primary server for the specified reverse lookup zone.
Invalid value of forward lookup primary server specified. The specified server is not a primary server for the specified ...
Invalid value of IP address {0} specified for inventory import . The value of IP address should fall within the range {1}. ...
Invalid value of managed by service specified. If intended add the new value using the custom field mapper or else use one ...
Invalid value of managed by service {0} specified for inventory import. The value specified against the record should be ...
Invalid value of reverse lookup primary server specified. The specified server is not a primary server for the specified ...
Invalid value of service instance specified. If intended add the new value using the custom field mapper or else use one ...
Invalid value of service instance {0} specified for inventory import . The value specified against the record should be {1}. ...
Invalid value of start IP address specified. Start IP address should lie within the specified Network ID and should be less ...
Invalid value of utilized addresses specified. Utilized addresses should be less than or equal to assigned addresses for ...