The changes you made after you activated the budget control configuration were lost. To modify the budget control configuration, select edit to create a draft version.
The changes have been saved to the planning or requisition worksheet.\New supply is saved to worksheet Template Name %1, ...
The changes have caused a conflict with the linked purchase agreement. Do you want to remove the link between the delivery ...
The changes have caused a conflict with the linked sales agreement. Do you want to remove the link between the delivery schedule ...
The changes made to the roll-up field definition cannot be saved because the related goal metric is being used by one or ...
The changes you made after you activated the budget control configuration were lost. To modify the budget control configuration, ...
The Channel Property Group is used by one or more steps. Delete the properties from the conditions and steps that use the ...
The character you typed is not valid. Use only letters and underscore symbol at the begining of the instance name. You can ...
The characters in the data file have changed from Unicode to another format after export. You cannot re-import the file because ...
The chart definition is invalid. The field type of the Group By field cannot be nonnumeric when the X axis type is logarithmic. ...