The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations user '%1' is attempting to synchronize table '%2', and is requesting your session to close down Forms, Queries, or any other active tasks using that table.
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Outlook requires your Dynamics 365 server to be configured for Internet-facing deployment ...
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Application Host is set to exit every time Outlook exits. Running this process as a background ...
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Application Host process is running, but is not responding. To close this process, select Exit ...
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations time zone could not be matched to a time zone stored by the operating ...
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations user '%1' is attempting to synchronize table '%2', and is requesting ...
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations debugger provides debugging capabilities for X++ developers. The debugger tool ...
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations SDK components are used to create and debug customizations and extensions to Microsoft ...
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook installation has encountered an error. To repair the installation, in Control Panel, ...
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 installation is in an inconsistent state to process your request. Please contact your system administrator ...