The SamlSerializer does not contain a SecurityTokenSerializer capable of reading the SecurityKeyIdentifier. If you are using a custom SecurityKeyIdentifier, you must provide a custom SecurityTokenSerializer.
The SamlAssertion being read did not contain any SamlStatement. A SamlAssertion must contain at least one SamlStatement. ...
The SamlAssertion has been signed with a token that was not validated according to the protocol. If you are using X.509 certificates, ...
The SamlAssertion is signed but the tolen that signed the SamlAssertion cannot be found. Ensure that the SecurityTokenResolver ...
The SamlAuthorityBinding being read was found to contain an 'AuthorityKind' that was missing or of length 0. This is not ...
The SamlSerializer does not contain a SecurityTokenSerializer capable of reading the SecurityKeyIdentifier. If you are using ...
The SamlSerializer does not contain a SecurityTokenSerializer capable of serializing the given SecurityKeyIdentifier '{0}'. ...
The SamlToken is not time valid. The current time '{0}' is outside the Effective '{1}' and Expiration '{2}' time of the token. ...
The satellite assembly named "{1}" for fallback culture "{0}" either could not be found or could not be loaded. This is generally ...
The schema could not be determined because one or more required properties has not been set. The required properties are ...