Usage: -zipfile:filename Path to the zip file to turn into an exe. -output:filename Path to the .exe file to generate. If this is not specified, then an .exe file with the same name as the input file (but with the .exe extension) will be used. -overwrite Overwrite the output the file if it exists. -? This help screen.|Use to show non-sequential or grouped blocks of information. The ...|Use to show groups of information or steps in a task, process, or ...|Use to show a progression or sequential steps in a task, process, ...|Use to show a downward progression through stages. Each of the ...
Usage: -zipfile:filename Path to the zip file to turn into an exe. -output:filename Path to the .exe file to generate. If ...
Usage: /l :Name of verbose msi log /lang :4-digit language code /q :Quiet install mode /qu :Quiet uninstall mode /? :Show ...
Usage: MSTest.exe options]. Description: Run tests in test files or in a metadata file. Optionally, publish test results, ...
Usage: MSTest.exe options]. Description: Run tests in test files or in a metadata file. Optionally, publish test results, ...
Usage: Publicize.exe options input-assembly Description: Publicize.exe generates an assembly that contains public types. ...