Failed to create SQL login and grant SQL privilege configurations on BAM database server "%1" / database name "%2" while creating BizTalk Host "%3". %4
Failed to create an MSXML2.XMLHTTP.6.0 object. The exception code is "{0}" and the exception message is "{1}". Please contact ...
Failed to create an XPath for the XLANG/s distinguished field '{0}'. This could happen if the distinguished field is marked ...
Failed to create COM object implementing adapter property page. Contact owner of the adapter impelementation for more details. ...
Failed to create instance of COM component managing the property pages for the adapter. Verify that component is registered. ...
Failed to create SQL login and grant SQL privilege configurations on BAM database server "%1" / database name "%2" while ...
Failed to create SQL login and grant SQL privilege configurations on Rule Engine database server "%1" / database name "%2" ...
Failed to create SQL login and grant SQL privilege configurations on the Management database server "%1" / database name ...
Failed to create SQL login and grant SQL privilege configurations on Tracking database server "%1" / database name "%2" while ...
Failed to create the deployment unit object for application '{0}', with management database server being '{1}' and management ...