$tpath = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\microsoft.web.administration.dll"; add-type -Path $tpath; $sm = new-object Microsoft.Web.Administration.ServerManager; if ($sm.Sites["Exchange Back End"] -eq $null) { $backEndWebSitePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($RoleInstallPath, "ClientAccess"); $s = $sm.Sites.Add("Exchange Back End","http", "*:81:", $backEndWebSitePath); $s.ServerAutoStart = $true; $sb =$s.Bindings; $b = $sb.Add("*:444:","https"); $sm.CommitChanges(); }
Total Unique Users Light is the total number of unique users who have connected to Outlook Web App since the process was ...
Total Unique Users Premium is the total number of unique users who have connected to Outlook Web App since the process was ...
Total Valid Fax Calls is the total number of fax call requests to extensions that resolved to mailboxes that are enabled ...
TotalExpandCalendarEvent Successful Requests is the total number of successful requests for the ExpandCalendarEvent web method. ...
tpath = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\microsoft.web.administration.dll"; add-type -Path $tpath; $sm = new-object Mic ...
tpath = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\microsoft.web.administration.dll"; add-type -Path $tpath; $sm = new-object Mic ...
tpath = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\inetsrv\microsoft.web.administration.dll"; add-type -Path $tpath; $sm = new-object Mic ...
TraceHelper.MessageProbeLamNotificationIdParts is null for the message at Stage: %1 with InternetMessageId: %2; MailboxGuid: ...
Tracing has been enabled for the Microsoft Exchange Information Store process on server {0} for all users. This may negatively ...