This method sets up the Windows Registry of the local machine to point to this BizTalk group. This method should only be invoked internally by BizTalk Server.
This method can only be invoked by applications using the Commerce modules framework from inside the ASP.NET framework, because ...
This method checks whether the server instance can host BizTalk Host instances. Returns: S_OK (0) if yes, S_FALSE (1) if ...
This method removes the local machine Windows Registry keys which stores BizTalk group information. This method should only ...
This method retrieves information about other orchestrations which this orchestration is depending on by either CALL or START ...
This method sets up the Windows Registry of the local machine to point to this BizTalk group. This method should only be ...
This method starts all BizTalk Server services on a specific server. The execution of this method is valid anytime the specific ...
This method stops all BizTalk Server services on a specific server. The execution of this method is valid anytime the specific ...
This method turns on tracking for message properties. Tracking on message is only available for property schemas. If the ...
This node can occur potentially multiple times in the instance document. Only nodes which are guaranteed to be unique can ...