Scenario: %1. A query for extension updates can't be submitted because the extension does not have a valid version. Mailbox: %2 Asset Id: %3
Scan Time per MB - 99th Percentile is the average scan time (in milliseconds) per megabyte, discounting the slowest 1% of ...
Scan Time per Message - 90th Percentile is the average scan time (in milliseconds) per message, discounting the slowest 10% ...
Scan Time per Message - 99th Percentile is the average scan time (in milliseconds) per message, discounting the slowest 1% ...
Scans can be configured to run on a scheduled basis. If this option is enabled, scans with the currently specified parameters ...
Scenario: %1. A query for extension updates can't be submitted because the extension does not have a valid version. Mailbox: ...
Scenario: %1. CorrelationId: %2. The AppMetadata response did not contain all required information: %3 Url: %4 Element: %5 ...
Scenario: %1. CorrelationId: %2. The AppState response contained an invalid extension ID. Mailbox: %3 Url: %4 Element: %5 ...
Scenario: %1. CorrelationId: %2. The AppState response contained an invalid Office Store asset ID. Mailbox: %3 Url: %4 Element: ...
Scenario: %1. CorrelationId: %2. The response could not be processed because it exceeded the maximum buffer size. Mailbox: ...