The last refresh failed because we couldn't connect to the data sources in your dataset. Make sure the data sources are configured correctly.
The key columns of the %{detailproperty/} measure group attribute do not match in either number or data types to the key ...
The key columns of the '%{parentproperty/}' parent attribute must have the same composition and data types as those of the ...
The label {0} in the input well-known text (WKT) is not valid. Valid labels are POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT, MULTILINESTRING, ...
The last column of the table specified in the function call '%{function/}' is not of type NUMERIC such as INTEGER, DOUBLE ...
The last refresh failed because we couldn't connect to the data sources in your dataset. Make sure the data sources are configured ...
The last refresh failed because we couldn't connect to the data sources. Please make sure the data sources are configured ...
The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the server before terminating the attempt and generating an error. ...
The level with ID of '%{levelid/}', Name of '%{levelname/}' referenced by the '%{cubehierarchy/}' cube hierarchy does not ...
The linearRing input is not valid because there are not enough points in the input. A linearRing must have at least 4 points, ...