Avg. Block Mode Disk sec/Write is the delay, in seconds, taken for the block mode data to be written. This involves writing to the disk.
Average Voice Message Transcription Failures % is the rate of voice mail transcription failures since the service was started. ...
AverageBase time it takes a New-RemoteMailbox provisioning request in milliseconds when the provisioning cache is active. ...
AverageBase time it takes a New-RemoteMailbox provisioning request in milliseconds when the provisioning cache is inactive. ...
AverageBase time it takes a New-SyncMailbox provisioning request in milliseconds when the provisioning cache is inactive. ...
Avg. Block Mode Disk sec/Write is the delay, in seconds, taken for the block mode data to be written. This involves writing ...
Avg. File Mode Disk sec/Log Generation base is used to measeure the average time spent writing to disk as each log generation ...
Avg. Network sec/Read base is used to measure the average time required for a network read to return data to the the log ...
BackEndPort=":444"; $urlToUse="https://" + $RoleFqdnOrName + $BackEndPort + "/ews/exchange.asmx"; new-WebServicesVirtualDirectory ...
Background antivirus scanning is enabled on server {2}. This may cause database performance degradation after engine updates. ...