E - restricts the ping to the RPC/HTTP proxy only. The ping does not reach the server. Useful when trying to establish whether ...

-E - restricts the ping to the RPC/HTTP proxy only. The ping does not
    reach the server. Useful when trying to establish whether the RPC/HTTP
    proxy is reachable. Also, you must specify security package (-u) and 
    authentication level (-a) in order to use this option. To specify an 
    HTTP proxy, use the -R flag. If an HTTP proxy is specified in the -o 
    flag, this option will be ignored.
-q - quiet mode. Does not issue any prompts except for passwords. Assumes
    'Y' response to all queries. Use this option with care.
-c - use smart card certificate. RPCPing will prompt user to choose
    smart card.
-A  - specifies the identity to authenticate
    with to the HTTP proxy. Has the same format as for the -I option. 
    Also, you must specify authentication schemes (-U), security package 
    (-u) and authentication level (-a) in order to use this option.
-U  - the authentication schemes to use for
    HTTP proxy authentication. This option is a list of numerical
    values or names separated by comma. E.g. Basic,NTLM. Recognized values 
    are (names are not case sensitive:
        Basic - 1 or Basic
        NTLM - 2 or NTLM
    You must specify security package (-u) and authentication level (-a) 
    in order to use this option.

-r  - if multiple iterations are specified, this
    option will make rpcping display current execution statistics
    periodically instead after the last call. The report interval is given
    in seconds. Default is 15.
-v  - tells rpcping how verbose to make the output. Default
    value is 1. 2 and 3 provide more output from rpcping.
Example: Find out if your Exchange server that you connect through
RPC/HTTP is accessible:
    rpcping -t ncacn_http -s exchange_server -o RpcProxy=front_end_proxy
        -P "username,domain,*" -H Basic -u NTLM -a connect -F 3
When prompted for the password, enter it. exchange_server is the name of
your exchange server, front_end_proxy is the name of your proxy, username
and domain are your user name and domain as you would enter them in the
Outlook prompt. The other parameters will ask rpcping to ping your
Exchange server in exactly the same way as Outlook will connect to it for
the typical profile.

-p - Prompt for credentials if authentication fails.