Configure report defaults. The syntax for this command is: Filescrn Admin Defaults List currently configured report defaults. ...

Configure report defaults.  The syntax for this command is:  Filescrn Admin Defaults       List currently configured report defaults.  Filescrn Admin Defaults [/Scheduled:SCHEDULED_PATH] [/Incident:INCIDENT_PATH]                         [/Ondemand:ONDEMAND_PATH]                         [/FileGroups-FilesByFileGroup:"FG_LIST"]                         [/FileName-FilesByOwner:PATTERN]                         [/FileName-LargeFiles:PATTERN]                         [/FileName-LeastRecentlyAccessed:PATTERN]                         [/FileName-MostRecentlyAccessed:PATTERN]                         [/MinAge-FileScreenAudit:MIN_AGE]                         [/MinAge-LeastRecentlyAccessed:MIN_AGE]                         [/MaxAge-MostRecentlyAccessed:MAX_AGE]                         [/MinSize-LargeFiles:MIN_SIZE[kb|mb|gb]]                         [/MinUse-QuotaUsage:MIN_USE]                         [/Owners-FilesByOwner:"OWNER_LIST"]                         [/Owners-FileScreenAudit:"OWNER_LIST"]                         [/Remote:MACHINE]     /Scheduled:SCHEDULED_PATH  Store scheduled reports at path SCHEDULED_PATH.     /Incident:INCIDENT_PATH    Store incident (notification) reports at path                               INCIDENT_PATH.     /Ondemand:ONDEMAND_PATH    Store on-demand reports at path ONDEMAND_PATH.     /FileGroups-FilesByFileGroup:"FG_LIST"                                Set list of file groups for the FilesByFileGroup                               report type. FG_LIST can be a list of one or more                               file groups separated by '|'. FG_LIST can be                               empty to specify all file groups.     /FileName-FilesByOwner:PATTERN    /FileName-LargeFiles:PATTERN    /FileName-LeastRecentlyAccessed:PATTERN    /FileName-MostRecentlyAccessed:PATTERN                                Set file name pattern filter PATTERN for the                               given report type.     /MinAge-FileScreenAudit:MIN_AGE    /MinAge-LeastRecentlyAccessed:MIN_AGE                                Set minimum file access time or screening                               violation MIN_AGE in days for the given report                               type.     /MaxAge-MostRecentlyAccessed:MAX_AGE                                Set maximum file access time MAX_AGE in days for                               the MostRecentlyAccessed report type.     /MinSize-LargeFiles:MIN_SIZE[kb|mb|gb]                                Set minimum file size MIN_SIZE for the LargeFiles                               report type. By default MIN_SIZE is in KB, but                               "kb", "mb", and "gb" can be appended to specify                               other units.     /MinUse-QuotaUsage:MIN_USE                                Set minimum quota usage MIN_USE %% for the                               QuotaUsage report type.     /Owners-FileScreenAudit:"OWNER_LIST"    /Owners-FilesByOwner:"OWNER_LIST"                                Set list of file owners for the given report                               type. OWNER_LIST can be a list of one or more                               users separated by '|'. OWNERS_LIST can be empty                               to specify all users.     /Remote:MACHINE            Perform the operation on machine MACHINE.  Examples:    Filescrn Admin Defaults     Filescrn Admin Defaults /Ondemand:D:
eports /MinSize-LargeFiles:50mb