%11The uninstall for advertisement "%1" failed.%12 Possible cause: The removal key specified (%2) for the program in the advertisement ("%4" - "%5") cannot be found in the client registry or was found but did not contain either of the required uninstall command line entries (a UninstallString or a QuietUninstallString value). Solution: Verify that the removal key specified on the Advanced tab of the Program's Properties dialog box exists in the client's registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Uninstall and that it contains one of the required uninstall command-line entries. If necessary, adjust the key specified in the program's properties. APM will retry the uninstall operation the next time the client's list of advertised programs is refreshed and a change in the program's properties is detected.%0
The text or resource identifier to be displayed when there are no items selected and a detail tab is configured. If blank ...
The threshold values you entered are not valid. Please enter a critical threshold value that is less than or equal to the ...
The threshold values you entered are not valid. Please enter a warning threshold value that is less than or equal to the ...
The Transfer Site Settings Wizard helps you transfer site settings or package and collection properties from a source site ...
The uninstall for advertisement "%1" failed.%12 Possible cause: The removal key specified (%2) for the program in the advertisement ...
The uninstall program for advertisement "%1" completed successfully ("%4" - "%5"). An exit code of zero was returned.%12 ...
The uninstall program for advertisement "%1" completed successfully ("%4" - "%5"). The success description was "%3".%12 The ...
The uninstall program for advertisement "%1" could not be executed ("%4" - "%5").%12 Additional properties: Command line: ...
The uninstall program for advertisement "%1" failed ("%4" - "%5"). A non-zero exit code of %2 was returned.%12 Possible cause: ...