Only automatic initialization is allowed for DPM online replica. Please specify whether the automatic initialization has to happen now or later.
One or more prerequisites for protecting this data source is missing. Ensure that the following prerequisite software is ...
Online protection has been enabled for this data source. Click the link below to log in to the online protection provider's ...
Online recovery point creation jobs for %DatasourceType; %DatasourceName; on %ServerName; have failed %FailureCount; times. ...
Only %MaxListItemsInBrowseView; of the items in %ObjectName; can be displayed. Either select %ObjectName; for recovery or ...
Only automatic initialization is allowed for DPM online replica. Please specify whether the automatic initialization has ...
Only synchronize (available only for file data) Choose this option to transfer changes since the most recent synchronization ...
Only the addresses which are currently a part of the Backup LAN can be removed. Use Get-BackupNetworkAddress to view a list ...
Open SQL Server Management Studio, and connect to the DPM instance of SQL Server. Expand the instance of SQL Server, browse ...
Open SQL Server Management Studio, and then connect to the DPM instance of SQL Server. Expand the instance of SQL Server, ...