The data type "%1!s!" found on column "%2!s!" is not supported for the %3!s!. This column will be converted to DT_NTEXT.
The data source {1}' has both or neither of the following: DataSourceReference and ConnectionProperties. DataSource must ...
The data type "%1!s!" cannot be compared. Comparison of that data type is not supported, so it cannot be sorted or used as ...
The data type "%1!s!" cannot be used with binary operator "%2!s!". The type of one or both of the operands is not supported ...
The data type "%1!s!" cannot be used with unary operator "%2!s!". This operand type is not supported for the operation. To ...
The data type "%1!s!" found on column "%2!s!" is not supported for the %3!s!. This column will be converted to DT_NTEXT. ...
The data type "%1!s!" is invalid for transaction names or savepoint names. Allowed data types are char, varchar, nchar, varchar(max), ...
The data type %1!s! does not exist. Verify the supported data types and mappings by querying msdb.dbo.sysdatatypemappings. ...
The data type %1!s! is invalid for the %2!s! function. Allowed types are: char/varchar, nchar/nvarchar, and binary/varbinary. ...
The data type conversion file, {0}, cannot be located. Therefore, the wizard cannot provide information about the conversion ...