The certificate used to create this signature does not have the correct usage properties for digitally signing e-mail messages.
The certificate is no longer trusted, was revoked by the issuing authority, or is damaged. Unless you are certain that the ...
The certificate of trust that is attached to the macro is invalid. Unless you are certain that the macro is safe, it is recommended ...
The certificate selected to sign this form template is not available or is invalid. Select a valid certificate and save the ...
The certificate used for signing is invalid at this time. It is most likely expired. The VBA project will not be signed. ...
The certificate used to create this signature does not have the correct usage properties for digitally signing e-mail messages. ...
The certificate you selected cannot be verified. Please check your network connection. Do you want to use this certificate? ...
The change history for this workbook is corrupt. Unless the workbook is removed from shared use, Excel may not be able to ...
The Change Log records many different types of changes made to SharePoint sites. This timer job is used to periodically delete ...
The Change To box contains a word that isn't in the main dictionary or custom dictionary. Do you want to use this word and ...