Availability replica '%1!s!' of availability group '%2!s!' cannot be brought online on this SQL Server instance. Another replica of the same availability group is already online on the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. Each WSFC node can host only one replica of an availability group, regardless of the number of SQL Server instances on the node. Use the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command to correct the availability group configuration. Then, if the other replica is no longer being hosted on this WSFC node, restart this instance of SQL Server to bring the local replica of the availability group online.
Availability group name to ID map entry for availability group '%1!s!' cannot be found in the Windows Server Failover Clustering ...
Availability replica '%1!s!' cannot be added to availability group '%2!s!'. The availability group already contains an availability ...
Availability replica '%1!s!' cannot be removed from availability group '%2!s!', because this replica is on the local instance ...
Availability replica '%1!s!' cannot be removed from availability group '%2!s!'. The availability group does not contain an ...
Availability replica '%1!s!' of availability group '%2!s!' cannot be brought online on this SQL Server instance. Another ...
Availability-group DDL operations are permitted only when you are using the master database. Run the USE MASTER command, ...
Average duration of all completed executions of this query (see "sys.dm_exec_query_stats.total_elapsed_time" and "sys.dm ...
Avoid creating linked dimensions to a source that contains UnaryOperatorColumns, CustomRollupColumns, or CustomRollupPropertiesColumns ...
Avoid defining many-to-many relationships when either the intermediate measure group or any of the intermediate dimensions ...