Enumerations Other/sec is the rate at which browse requests processed by this workstation are not domain or server browse requests.
Enum %1 in file %2 does not have a single field marked as 'specialname'. An enum must have one and only one field marked ...
Enum %1 in file %2 sets the FlagsAttribute incorrectly. UInt32 enums must have the FlagsAttribute. Int32 enums must not have ...
Enumeration indicating the type of rack.Information such as \"Telco\" rack (value=2) or standard 19 inch rack (1) can be ...
Enumeration indicating whether the ComputerSystem is a special-purpose System (ie, dedicated to a particular use), versus ...
Enumerations Other/sec is the rate at which browse requests processed by this workstation are not domain or server browse ...
Enumerations Total/sec is the rate at which browse requests have been processed by this workstation. This is the sum of Enumerations ...
eol=c - specifies an end of line comment character (just one) skip=n - specifies the number of lines to skip at the beginning ...
EOTWarningZoneSize indicates the size, in bytes, of the area designated as 'end of tape'. Access in this area generates an ...
Equal to - case insensitive. When the left operand is a collection, returns values from the collection that equal the right ...