The target connection string is not valid. Specify a valid connection string as the deployment target and retry the operation.
The table source '{0}' was referenced, but it is not defined in the FROM clause or its definition has one or more errors. ...
The table {1}' has rows that contain a different number of cells than the number of the columns in the table (including cells ...
The TableAdapter "{0}" is not completely configured. To resolve this problem, configure the TableAdapter by setting the SelectCommand's ...
The TableAdapter "{0}" is not completely configured. To resolve this problem, configure the TableAdapter by using the TableAdapter ...
The target connection string is not valid. Specify a valid connection string as the deployment target and retry the operation. ...
The target file extension '{0}' does not match the source file extension '{1}'. File extensions of .rdl, .rsds, .odc, and ...
The Target Framework version for the project '%1' is higher than the current project Target Framework version. Would you ...
The target location is a root drive and you have chosen to delete all existing files. If you continue, the entire drive will ...
The target location you specified is not supported by the report server. A report definition (.rdl), report model (.smdl), ...