During the past %1 hours, this domain controller has received %2 connections from dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 clients with partial ...

During the past %1 hours, this domain controller has received %2 connections
from dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 clients with partial subnet-site mappings. A client
has a partial subnet-site mapping if its IPv4 address is mapped to a site but
its global IPv6 address is not mapped to a site, or vice versa. To ensure correct
behavior for applications running on member computers and servers that rely on
subnet-site mappings, dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 clients must have both IPv4 and global
IPv6 addresses mapped to the same site. If a partially mapped client attempts
to connect to this domain controller using its unmapped IP address, its mapped
address is used for the client's site mapping.

The log files %SystemRoot%\debug
etlogon.log or %SystemRoot%\debug
contain the name, unmapped IP address and mapped IP address for each partially
mapped client. The log files may also contain unrelated debugging information.
To locate the information pertaining to partial-subnet mappings, search for
lines that contain the text 'PARTIAL_CLIENT_SITE_MAPPING:'. The first word after
this text is the client name. Following the client name is the client's unmapped
IP address (the IP address that does not have a subnet-site mapping) and the
client's mapped IP address, which was used to return site information.


Use the Active Directory Sites and Services management console (MMC) snap-in
to add the subnet mapping for the unmapped IP addresses to the same site being
used by the mapped IP addresses. When adding site mappings for IPv6 addresses,
you should use global IPv6 addresses and not for instance temporary, link-local
or site-local IPv6 addresses.

The default maximum size of the log files is %3 bytes. The current maximum
size is %4 bytes. To set a different maximum size, create the following registry
DWORD value to specify the maximum size in bytes:
