In the autoscale setting you provided, the content type defined in header ('{0}') is not valid. Only a content type of '{1}' is supported.
In order to see it in action we need to have some test users to provision to {0}. You can pick from a list of your existing ...
In order to use RTP (MPEG-TS) as the ingest protocol, your connection to the Azure data center should satisfy certain network ...
In order to use this feature, ensure that you have Visual Studio 2013 with Update 4 or above with SQL Server tooling. learnMoreOpenInVS|Learn ...
In Standard mode, if a web app is stopped, billing continues, and changing the scaling for an app affects other apps. Are ...
In the autoscale setting you provided, the content type defined in header ('{0}') is not valid. Only a content type of '{1}' ...
In the Permissions to Other Applications section of the Configure tab, select the permissions that your application needs. ...
In the Standard pricing tier, if a web app is stopped, billing continues, and changing the scaling for an app affects other ...
In this section, after you create a Multi-Factor Authentication provider, you can change the subscription associated with ...
In your project, right-click the component node and select Get More Components; this opens the Component Store window. Search ...