Run the following command, replacing identity with the actual name of your server and the externalurl with the actual URL: set-webservicesvirtualdirectory -identity "MYSERVER\EWS (Default Web Site)" -externalurl -BasicAuthentication:$True
Rules check each message for predefined conditions. If the condition is true for a message, the rule actions are applied ...
Rules quota of mailbox %1 has been reached and OOF Assistant is unable to enable or update OOF rules. Please delete some ...
Run the following command replacing domainname and friendlyname with the appropriate values: New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest ...
Run the following command where "c: ewcert.cer" is the location and name of your certificate: Import-ExchangeCertificate ...
Run the following command, replacing identity with the actual name of your server and the externalurl with the actual URL: ...
Run the following command, replacing identity with the actual name of your server and the externalurl with the actual URL: ...
Running this cmdlet in the specified mode will reset the passwords and UM PINs for all the test mailboxes found in the current ...
Safelist aggregation refers to a set of anti-spam functionality that is shared across Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft ...
Safelist aggregation refers to a set of anti-spam functionality that is shared across Microsoft Office Outlook and Microsoft ...