Cluster service failed to set the permissions on the cluster computer object '%1'. Please contact your network administrator to check the cluster security descriptor of the computer object in Active Directory, verify that the DACL is not too big, and remove any unnecessary extra ACE(s) on the object if necessary.
Cluster service failed to disable Internet Protocol security (IPsec) on the Failover cluster virtual adapter '%1'. This could ...
Cluster Service failed to move the restored cluster hive at '%1' to '%2'. This may prevent the restore operation from succeeding ...
Cluster service failed to retrieve the list of clustered disks while destroying the cluster. The error code was '%1'. If ...
Cluster service failed to set the permissions (ACL) on the Cluster Shared Volumes root directory '%1'. The error was '%2'. ...
Cluster service failed to set the permissions on the cluster computer object '%1'. Please contact your network administrator ...
Cluster service failed to start the cluster log trace session. The error code was '%2'. The cluster will function properly, ...
Cluster service failed to update the cluster configuration data on the witness resource. Please ensure that the witness resource ...
Cluster service has detected that its service account is missing one or more from the required set of privileges. The missing ...
Cluster Shared Volume '%1' ('%2') backup was turned on. Once the backup application completes the backup process, the Cluster ...