Disassociating activities from this entity will result in irreversible deletion of all the activities that were associated with this entity. Continue with the disassociation of activities?
Disabling an upgrade script may corrupt your data. Only disable a script for debugging, do not disable a script when upgrading ...
Disabling duplicate detection prevents Microsoft Dynamics 365 from reporting duplicate records. It also unpublishes all duplicate ...
Disabling encryption will decrypt the encrypted data and store it in the database in an unsecure way.\Do you want to continue? ...
Disabling the Source-Withholding Tax field will also disable the Recipient May Report Income field. Do you want to continue? ...
Disassociating activities from this entity will result in irreversible deletion of all the activities that were associated ...
Disassociating notes and activities from this entity will result in irreversible deletion of all the notes and activities ...
Disassociating notes from this entity will result in irreversible deletion of all the notes that were associated with this ...
Disclaimer: By enabling this command, you consent to share your data with an external system. Data imported from external ...
Disclaimer: Connecting Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online with SharePoint Online will enable certain Customer Data to be shared ...