Cannot enable virtual LAN (VLAN) identification. The virtual network switch is connected to a physical network adapter that does not support VLAN identification.
Cannot display properties for %1. This object may have been deleted. To refresh the current selection, on the Action menu, ...
Cannot display value: Insufficient memory. Try closing down some applications, and try again. If you still see this message, ...
Cannot edit: Insufficient memory. Try closing down some applications, and try again. If you still see this message, try restarting ...
Cannot enable notification because all timers are in use. Quit one or more applications to free a timer, and then try again. ...
Cannot enable virtual LAN (VLAN) identification. The virtual network switch is connected to a physical network adapter that ...
Cannot enumerate the virtual machine objects. Please make sure the 'Virtual Machine Management' service on the computer is ...
Cannot establish a connection with the target node. Make sure the target node is running and that is accessible through the ...
Cannot evaluate parameter '{1}' because its argument is specified as a script block and there is no input. A script block ...
Cannot execute the Fragment-Level operation because the fragment path contains either " (blank or empty string) or NULL. ...