Active Directory was unable to allocate sufficient memory to process an incoming request. This error has occurred the following number of times in the following time period. Number of times occurred: %1 Time period (minutes): %2 If this event continues to occur, a low memory condition on this domain controller exists. User Action Increase the amount of available physical memory, pagefile size, or virtual address space on this domain controller.
Active Directory successfully deleted the following column from the database. This column was previously used by the following ...
Active Directory updated the following object with attribute changes after reversing one or more of the failed attribute ...
Active Directory Users and Computers allows management of users, groups, organizational units, and all other Active Directory ...
Active Directory was unable to access the security identifier (SID) associated with the Enterprise Domain Controllers group. ...
Active Directory was unable to allocate sufficient memory to process an incoming request. This error has occurred the following ...
Active Directory was unable to correctly create the default security descriptor for the following application directory partition. ...
Active Directory was unable to create an object on a remote domain controller. Domain controller (blank = local domain controller): ...
Active Directory was unable to delete a lingering object on the local domain controller. The object had been deleted and ...
Active Directory was unable to delete the access control entry (ACE) for the domain Domain Controllers security group on ...