The version of %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% for Outlook you have installed ({0}) is not the same major version as your %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% instance ({1}). If you are encountering issues, update %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% for Outlook to the same major version as your %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% instance. You can install %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% for Outlook from the following link: {3}.{2}{2}Select the{5} file to download.{2}{2}Uninstall the existing version of Microsoft Dynamics %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% for Microsoft Office Outlook before installing the suggested version. If you encounter an error trying to install or uninstall %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% for Outlook, try the {4}.
The value you type here is included after the @ in your initial email address. If you type yourcompany , for example, your ...
The VAT number could not be validated because the validation service is unavailable. We will continue to try to validate ...
The VAT number for this subscription is invalid. Contact Support to correct the VAT number, and then try the transaction ...
The version of %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% for Outlook you have installed ({0}) is not compatible with the version of your ...
The version of %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% for Outlook you have installed ({0}) is not the same major version as your %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% ...
The version of %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% for Outlook you have installed {0} is the same major version as your %BRAND_DYNAMICSCRMONLINE% ...
The version of Outlook you're running is out of date. A newer version of Outlook is available. An update solves many problems, ...
The version of the Client Access server selected, {0}, is not supported. Please go back and select a server that is supported. ...
The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support. ...