This PivotTable has the "Query external data source as you select each report filter field item" option turned on and slicers cannot be used with this option. To connect slicers to this PivotTable, first turn off the "Query external data source as you select each report filter field item" option.
This picture might be too large for a border. This picture is %3.2f by %3.2f inches. When Publisher makes it small enough ...
This picture was automatically generated from Vector Markup Language data stored elsewhere in the page. Changes to this picture ...
This Pivot Table report contains one or more calculated members defined by the PivotTable report. Cells that contain those ...
This PivotTable has one or more slicers connected to it which are also connected to other PivotTables. You cannot group this ...
This PivotTable has the "Query external data source as you select each report filter field item" option turned on and slicers ...
This PivotTable list could not be imported correctly by Excel and data may have been lost. If you need to work with this ...
This PivotTable list uses features that are different to or not supported in Microsoft Excel, and as a result values in the ...
This PivotTable report contains one or more field settings that use the Show Values As feature. The converted formulas will ...
This PivotTable report field is grouped. You cannot add a calculated item to a grouped field. To ungroup the field, make ...