%11MP cannot load the hardware inventory class mapping table when processing %1.%12 Possible cause: MP cannot communicate with the SQL data base. Solution: Check the network connection between MP and the machine hosting the SQL data base (likely the PSS). Possible cause: The SQL data base not initialized properly or corrupted. Solution: Check the data for consistency. Recreate the hardware definition tables if necessary. %0
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 does not support access through machine accounts, therefore you cannot use SQL Server %s for SMS ...
Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL error %1, severity %2: %3%12 Please refer to your SMS documentation, SQL documentation, ...
Microsoft SQL Server reported SQL message %1, severity %2: %3%12 Please refer to your SMS documentation, SQL documentation, ...
MMC 3.0 is required to run the Configuration Manager console and must be installed before primary site or Configuration Manager ...
MP cannot load the hardware inventory class mapping table when processing %1.%12 Possible cause: MP cannot communicate with ...
MP common layer cannot read the registry configuration when processing %1.%12 Possible cause: The corruption of the registry ...
MP Control Manager detected DMP is not responding to HTTP requests. The http error is %1.%12 Possible cause: DMP service ...
MP Control Manager detected DMP is not responding to HTTP requests. The http status code and text is %1, %2.%12 Possible ...
MP Control Manager detected management point is not responding to HTTP requests. The HTTP status code and text is %1, %2.%12 ...