Usage: %1!ls! filter Applies the NLB filtering algorithm on an IP tuple/protocol to determine whether or not the targeted ...

Usage: %1!ls! filter  [] []    Applies the NLB filtering algorithm on an IP tuple/protocol to determine    whether or not the targeted host would accept the virtual packet or not.                           =>  [:] [:] []               - the client IP address in dotted decimal notation             - the client port from 0 - 65535               - the server IP address in dotted decimal notation             - the server port from 0 - 65535            - one of TCP, UDP, PPTP, GRE, IPSec or ICMP               - one of SYN, FIN or RST (if no flags are provided, a data                         packet operation is performed; flags are only meaningful                 in TCP, PPTP and IPSec filter queries)        [:] []                         - specify a specific host in a specific cluster             - cluster name or cluster primary IP address to query                - dedicated IP address or host ID of a host in the cluster        local | global    - applies the operation locally only, or globally        /PASSW  - remote control password     /PORT       - remote control UDP port
English (United States)