An attempt to route to an Exchange UM server failed. The attempt failed with response code %1: %2. Request Target: [%3], Call Id: [%4]. Failure occurrences: %5, since %6. Cause: An attempt to route to an Exchange UM server failed because the UM server was unable to process the request or did not respond within the allotted time. Resolution: Check this server is correctly configured to point to the appropriate Exchange UM server. Also check whether the Exchange UM server is up and whether it in turn is also properly configured.
Allows users to choose which program features will be installed and where they will be installed. Recommended for advanced ...
An Active Directory compatibility entry was found for conference directory with ID "{0}", homed on the pool with distinguished ...
An announcement with the same ID or name already exists. Create a new announcement with a unique ID or name and try again. ...
An attempt to route to a gateway failed. Could not route to Gateway %1, the attempt failed with response code: %2 (CallID: ...
An attempt to route to an Exchange UM server failed. The attempt failed with response code %1: %2. Request Target: %3], Call ...
An attempt to send diagnostics information failed. Failure occurrences: %1, since %2. Failure Details: %3 Resolution: Check ...
An attempt to use the following Exchange UM Server for a missed call notification succeeded: %1. Any previous errors have ...
An attempt was made to add a user to a conference, but the conference has reached the maximum number of users permitted. ...
An attempt was made to add a user to a conference, but the request was rejected because the user is already connected to ...