ID2002: The AppliesTo address of the relying party was not a valid absolute URI. Override the SecurityTokenService.GetScope() method and populate Scope.AppliesToAddress with an appropriate AppliesTo address.
ID1071: The sign-in session is being terminated because the ticket is not yet valid. Current time: '{0}' ValidFrom: '{1}' ...
ID1072: The security token cannot be added to the replay cache because it has an infinite lifetime. Either the token must ...
ID1073: A CryptographicException occurred when attempting to decrypt the cookie using the ProtectedData API (see inner exception ...
ID1074: A CryptographicException occurred when attempting to encrypt the cookie using the ProtectedData API (see inner exception ...
ID2002: The AppliesTo address of the relying party was not a valid absolute URI. Override the SecurityTokenService.GetScope() ...
ID2003: SecurityTokenService.SecurityTokenDescriptor was null. Initialize the SecurityTokenDescriptor on the STS in your ...
ID2004: IAsyncResult must be the AsyncResult instance returned from the Begin call. The runtime is expecting '{0}', and the ...
ID2013: SecurityTokenService.GetScope returned null. Return a suitable Scope instance from SecurityTokenService.GetScope ...
ID2015: DefaultTokenType must be supported by the existing TokenHandlers. Try to add a TokenHandler which can handle '{0}' ...