Input data query returns column #%1!s! of type '%2!s!' which is not supported by the runtime for '%3!s!' script. Unsupported types are binary, varbinary, timestamp, datetime2, datetimeoffset, time, nchar, nvarchar, ntext, image, hierarchyid, xml, sql_variant and user-defined type.
InplaceEditing option and Deployment option cannot be set to true at the same time. Only a project file could be deployed. ...
Input "%1!s!" (%2!d!) references input "%3!s!" (%4!d!), but they do not have the same number of columns. Input %5!d! has ...
Input column "%1!s!" (%2!d!) has a DestinationColumn property value that does not refer to a valid output column LineageID. ...
Input columns must have output columns. There are input columns with a usage type of read-only that do not have associated ...
Input data query returns column #%1!s! of type '%2!s!' which is not supported by the runtime for '%3!s!' script. Unsupported ...
Input data will be randomly split into two sets, a training set and a testing set, based on the percentage of data for testing ...
Input property parameter is not valid. See SQL Server Books Online for a list of valid parameters for sp_changemergepublication. ...
Insert a new calculated column with a formula. Before you can insert new calculated column at least one table must exist ...
Insert bulk failed because all the columns requested to be inserted into are either read-only or identity columns and KeepIdentity ...