OleDbCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters failed because the OleDbCommandBuilder.CommandText property value is an invalid multipart name
Occurs when the row is being changed so that the event handler can modify or cancel the change. The user can modify values ...
OdbcCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters failed because the OdbcCommand.CommandText property value is an invalid multipart name ...
Offline and online settings, which take the Web site offline (shut it down) to perform maintenance or to bring a new Microsoft ...
Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end ...
OleDbCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters failed because the OleDbCommandBuilder.CommandText property value is an invalid multipart ...
On CoreCLR, if a base type has a public or protected non-transparent default constructor than the derived type must obey ...
On data context type '{1}', there is a top IQueryable property '{0}' whose element type is not an entity type. Make sure ...
Once authentication is attempted as the client or server, additional authentication attempts must use the same client or ...
Once the socket has been disconnected, you can only accept again asynchronously. BeginAccept must be called on a thread that ...