Only presenters are able to share their desktop and applications, present files, and manage meeting options including admitting people into the meeting.
One of the recordings you selected is in the process of being published. None of your selected recordings can be deleted ...
One or more people did not respond to your sharing invitation. They need to be running at least Microsoft Office Communicator ...
One or more selected contacts cannot be added as a delegate or team-call group member. Either the contact is outside of your ...
One or more selected contacts cannot receive your calls. Either the contact is outside of your organization, is an automated ...
Only presenters are able to share their desktop and applications, present files, and manage meeting options including admitting ...
Only the administrator of the computer and users in the 'Performance Log Users' group can control logging. Please try again ...
Other people in the call may hear an echo or have difficulty hearing you even if the call sounds normal to you. Echo can ...
Outlook is not installed correctly. Repair or reinstall Outlook, and then update the personal information manager setting ...
Outlook is not installed or configured correctly. Repair or reinstall Outlook, and then sign out and sign back in to Lync. ...