Setup has detected that a previous version of Microsoft Visual Studio Test Controller is already installed on this computer. You must first uninstall the previous version and then try the setup again.
Setup has detected that a newer version of the application is already installed on this computer. If this application is ...
Setup has detected that a newer version of the application is already installed on this computer. If this application is ...
Setup has detected that a pre RTM version of a Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation product is already installed on this ...
Setup has detected that a previous version of Microsoft Visual Studio Test Agent is already installed on this computer. You ...
Setup has detected that a previous version of Microsoft Visual Studio Test Controller is already installed on this computer. ...
Setup has detected that an old Visual SouceSafe version is installed on this computer. You must either uninstall this version ...
Setup has detected that another program requires the computer to reboot. You must reboot the computer before installing %1. ...
Setup has detected that the .NET Framework version 4.5 needs to be repaired. Do not restart your computer until Setup is ...
Setup has detected that the following components are not installed on this system. It is recommended that you install the ...