For each credit note, specify whether the credited invoice is from the current reporting period, from a period earlier this year, or from prior years.
For allocation ID %1, cost center or cost object must be defined for debit and credit. Cost center: "%2", cost object "%3". ...
For better report generation performance it is recommended to run "on-hand inventory on date calculation" beforehand. Continue? ...
For company %1, you can't select both forecast model %2 and submodel %3. If you select forecast model %2, the forecast is ...
For each continuous number sequence set Cleanup to Yes, specify a number of hours for the Cleanup interval (default is 24.) ...
For each credit note, specify whether the credited invoice is from the current reporting period, from a period earlier this ...
For each parameter listed, select or enter a value. To modify the default filter used to create the snapshots, click Edit ...
For each record in the top list, resolve detected duplicates in the bottom list. To refresh the list of potential duplicates, ...
For example, if you select LABEL "@SYS23294" as the LABEL "@SYS11959" and enter 1 in the LABEL "@SYS7835" field, this sets ...
For example, if you select LABEL "@SYS23294" as the LABEL "@SYS11959" and enter 1 in the LABEL "@SYS7835" field, this sets ...