You are currently logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient privileges to change the service account. To change the service account, log on using an account that is a member of both the local Administrators group and the AD RMS Enterprise Administrators group. If the configuration database for this cluster is stored on a remote database server, the account must also have the appropriate permissions on the database server. For example, if you are using a SQL Server to support your AD RMS cluster, your account must belong to the SQL SysAdmin group.
You are currently administering the forest rooted at domain %1. Do you want to administer the forest rooted at domain %2 ...
You are currently connected to a Read Only domain controller(RODC) : '{0}'. Policy usage data fetched from RODCs may not ...
You are currently connected to a Read Only domain controller(RODC) : '{0}'. Resultant password replication policy data fetched ...
You are currently logged on as a Guest. Windows Media Center requires a non-Guest account. If you need to change your user ...
You are currently logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient privileges to change the service account. To ...
You are currently logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient privileges to change the service account. To ...
You are currently logged on with a user account that does not have sufficient privileges to view the service account. To ...
You are currently ripping a CD. If you eject the disc, the process may not finish and you may lose your data. Do you want ...
You are currently ripping a CD. If you exit, the process may not finish and you may lose your data. Do you want to stop ripping ...