Expected e.Parameter to be non-null and to be a PropertyValue. CommandParameter should have a Binding to the PropertyValue.
Existing type '{0}' specified via the referenced types collection has been referenced in the generated code. Members cannot ...
exists in multiple base interfaces. Use the name of the interface that declares '|1' in the 'Implements' clause instead of ...
expand does not support '{0}' ordering expressions simultaneously on the top level type. Ordering expressions include top ...
Expected activity '{0}' to have '{1}' argument(s), '{2}' public variable(s), '{3}' private variable(s), and '{4}' runtime ...
Expected e.Parameter to be non-null and to be a PropertyValue. CommandParameter should have a Binding to the PropertyValue. ...
Expected Original Argument Count = '{0}', Public Variable Count = '{1}', Private Variable Count = '{2}'. Actual Original ...
Expected schema root. Make sure the root element is and the namespace is 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' for an XSD schema ...
Expected the original environment of activity '{0}' to have '{1}' argument(s), '{2}' public variable(s), '{3}' private variable(s), ...
Explicit interface implementation '%1!ls!' matches more than one interface member. Which interface member is actually chosen ...