Memory requirement of the virtual machines exceeds the available host resources. The placement policy for this host group is set to be conservative and hence virtual machines that are in stopped state are also accounted as consuming host resources. Your administrator can change this policy by running the TfsConfig tool.
Members of readonly field '%1!ls!' of type '%2!ls!' cannot be assigned with an object initializer because it is of a value ...
Members of this group have service-level permissions for the Team Foundation Application Instance. For service accounts only. ...
Members of this group should include the service accounts used by the test controllers set up for this project collection. ...
Members that extend interface, delegate or enum types must be placed in a module separate to the definition of the type. ...
Memory requirement of the virtual machines exceeds the available host resources. The placement policy for this host group ...
Menu Keys : Specifies the additional string that will be displayed when element has subitems and key tip navigation enabled. ...
Merge encountered {0} error(s) and {1} warning(s). First error/warning encountered: {2} See output tool window for information ...
Merge Sections : Causes the linker to merge section 'from' into section 'to'; if section 'to' does not exist, section 'from' ...
Merge with In Progress resulted in one or more conflicts; see the Resolve Conflicts window for details. The shelveset has ...