A user has requested a type of logon (e.g., interactive or network) that has not been granted. An administrator has control over who may logon interactively and through the network.
A unique id representing the execution of an updating consumer. This id permits correlation of all the trace events associated ...
A Usenet news server supports the distribution and retrieval of Usenet news and enables clients to search or post Usenet ...
A user account named %1 already exists on the local computer. Should the demand dial interface be configured to use this ...
A user account with this name already exists on the network. You must run the wizard again and specify a different name. ...
A user has requested a type of logon (e.g., interactive or network) that has not been granted. An administrator has control ...
A user was unable to connect on port %1. No more connections can be made to this remote computer because the computer has ...
A user was unable to connect on port %1. The Appletalk Remote Access protocol has been disabled for the Remote Access Server. ...
A valid country/region code must be displayed in the box. Zero is not a valid code. To choose a valid Country/region code ...
A valid crash dump was found in the paging file while trying to configure a direct dump. Direct dump is disabled! This occurs ...