Install event publishers and logs from manifest. Usage: wevtutil { im | install-manifest }[/OPTION:VALUE [/OPTION:VALUE] ...] File path to an event manifest. All publishers and logs defined in the manifest will be installed. To learn more about event manifests and using this option, consult the Windows Eventing SDK on Microsoft Developers Network (MSDN) at Options: You can use either the short (for example, /rf) or long (for example, /resourceFilePath) version of the option names. Options and their values are not case-sensitive. /{rf | resourceFilePath}:VALUE ResourceFileName attribute of the Provider Element in the manifest to be replaced. The VALUE should be the full path to the resource file. /{mf | messageFilePath}:VALUE MessageFileName attribute of the Provider Element in the manifest to be replaced. The VALUE should be the full path to the message file. /{pf | parameterFilePath}:VALUE ParameterFileName attribute of the Provider Element in the manifest to be replaced. The VALUE should be the full path to the parameter file. Example: The following example installs publishers and logs from the manifest file. wevtutil im /rf:^%systemroot^%/System32/wevtutil.exe
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Install event publishers and logs from manifest. Usage: wevtutil { im | install-manifest } /OPTION:VALUE /OPTION:VALUE . ...
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