The browser driver has received too many illegal datagrams from the remote computer %2 to name %3 on transport %4. The data is the datagram. No more events will be generated until the reset frequency has expired.
The Briefcase already contains a folder called '%1'. Would you like to replace the files of the existing folder with the ...
The broadband network conection could not be established on your computer because the remote server is not responding. This ...
The browser driver has forced an election on network %2 because it was unable to find a master browser for that network. ...
The browser driver has forced an election on network %2 because it was unable to find a master browser to retrieve a backup ...
The browser driver has received too many illegal datagrams from the remote computer %2 to name %3 on transport %4. The data ...
The browser has failed to start because the dependent service %1 had invalid service status %2. Status Meaning 1 Service ...
The browser has received a server announcement indicating that the computer %2 is a master browser, but this computer is ...
The browser has received an illegal datagram from the remote computer %2 to name %3 on transport %4. The data is the datagram. ...
The browser has retrieved a list of domains from remote computer %1 on transport %2. There were %3 entries read, and %4 total ...